julho 24th, 2014

Você está vendo as vagas de Empregos RJ – O seu guia de Empregos no Rio de Janeiro cadastradas em 24 de julho de 2014.

Zona Oeste – RJ – Técnico Têxtil com curso técnico SENAI –

Técnico Têxtil para Indústria
Local: Zona Oeste – RJ
3 vagas.

É necessário possuir o Curso Técnico Têxtil pelo SENAI.

Não é necessário ter experiência. A empresa dará o treinamento para a
fabricação dos seus produtos.

Salário: R$ 1.000,00 + 10% prêmio assiduidade. (Após 6 meses, reajuste
do salário para R$ 1.200,00). A empresa proporciona oportunidade de
Benefícios: Rio Card + Plano de Saúde (50% subsidiado pela empresa) –
refeitório no local.

Encaminhar currículo para recursos.humanos.seculoxxi@gmail.com
Destacar no campo assunto: Técnico Têxtil
Colar o currículo no corpo da mensagem.

Cadastrada às 1:26h do dia 24 de julho de 2014
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Horário: 09:12 às 19:00 ( 2ª À 6ª FEIRA)

Interessados enviar currículo no corpo do e-mail, colocando no assunto : RECEPCIONISTA – FÉRIAS para o e-mail: adm.vagas14@yahoo.com

Boa Sorte!

Cadastrada às 1:26h do dia 24 de julho de 2014
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Estoque – Recreio, Duque de caxias e Bangu Shop. – R$890,00

Empresa de varejo de grande porte no ramo de calçados contrata para suas filiais do Recreio, Duque de caxias e Bangu Shop.

Auxiliar de Operações (Estoque)

-Residir de fácil acesso para as lojas
-Disponibilidade de horário
-Não e necessário experiência.


R$890,00 + VT + Ajuda alimentação no sábado e no domingo.

Os interessados deverão encaminhar currículo para o e mail: selecaorh098@gmail.com

No campo assunto colocar: Aux. de Operações e a filial mais próxima.

Cadastrada às 1:26h do dia 24 de julho de 2014
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Consultant Trainee – Recruitment

Consultant Trainee – Recruitment
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Salary: Base Salary + Commission + Benefits

The Company: We are the world’s premier oil and gas manpower provider, contracting over 3000 technical professionals around the world and identifying niche talent for direct hire to our blue chip client base. With 21 offices around the world, our expansive footprint allows us to cultivate a talent pool that is local to most all major oil and gas hubs.

The Story: We are launching our 3rd accelerated recruitment training class program designed to take entrepreneurial sales minded people and turn them into top level Recruitment Consultants chartered to work within one of our 21 offices globally. We are hiring a class of 20 bright individuals to begin training on March 2014. The program will consist of two phases. The first phase will be classroom training with live role playing and field trips, while the second phase will be a rotational mentor program to expose all trainees to every area of the business, along with different regional offices. Below are some of our recent trainee success stories in North America:

I joined Swift as a trainee in March of 2012 and am now recognized as one of the top direct hire billers in the company. This company has given me the confidence and opportunity to push myself to succeed in a career that was foreign to me. I’m so happy I joined Swift! – TW, Houston

I joined Swift as a trainee in the Summer of 2009 and am now a partner in the company, serving as a global leader over our major accounts. I love that Swift fosters an entrepreneurial environment and bases merit on contribution versus age – BB, Houston

The Role: The Consultant Trainee is responsible for sourcing and qualifying the best candidates for our clients. You will be responsible for driving your desk and generating the necessary activity to source quality candidates. You must be a self starter and hungry to learn and grow.

The Person: The preferred profile is a self-starter, sales minded, outgoing personality, competitive, achiever, entrepreneurial, and with the desire to grow professionally and financially. This person must have the drive to succeed and not be afraid of challenge. Twelve months work experience in a sales driven or customer service focused business is a must.

For more information send your resume to:
Raquel Vieira

Cadastrada às 1:26h do dia 24 de julho de 2014
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